Stone & Gravity

Stone & Gravity

söndag 25 oktober 2015

Who is calling

look who is calling
in the sunset

Have a seat for a while
it´s been a long time
you´ve listened

Please sit.

While and When

While every heartbeat hurts
while the inside of the chest is
like an open wound

While the spider
is trapped
in her own cobweb

When the labour done
is not asked for

Is it still worth while

How to reclaim balance

tisdag 7 januari 2014

the Atlantic

No strings attached
the wind whisper
try to convince me, I reply.
And try again
once more
and then once
the Atlantic, the grace of mine,
is calling.

söndag 3 november 2013


But, even your
lightest step
leave a footprint,
you be sure.

måndag 7 oktober 2013

Rememberance of the fall

While fall is upon us
we try not to fall
to hard,
rather to fall into
the fall
that will keep us safe,
if we just remember
how to breath
the air
the fall.

fredag 23 augusti 2013

Shelter of my own

Since childhood,
my place for rest
my shelter,
at the very bottom
of that mountain.
Still today, the boat upside down
hidden under branches
to bring me over
anytime I need
to hide.

tisdag 13 augusti 2013

Let go

How to let go
how to not go to the point
of never letting go
Can I ever help you
to let go
I know the answer
and I can never ask you
out loud.